Mobile Crisis Assessment Team (MCAT) – Mental Health & Certified Recovery Peer Advocates
The Problem
The stigma on mental health in our nation leaves many people left without treatment which can lead to adverse behaviors (substance use). The World Health Organization noted that “the single most important barrier to overcome in the community is the stigma and associated discrimination towards persons suffering from mental and behavioral disorders (Wu, 2017).”
The Neighborhood Center combats these stigmas in our community by offering peer support to people with mental health and substance use.
Our peers can advocate for various appointments and provide support to individuals by identifying obstacles and a plan to overcome them. Peers can offer linkages to a plethora of other services in the community, home visits, and transportation to local self-help groups.
Reaching our services
Our person-centered services are reachable through many different avenues:
- Referrals can come from any professional in the community, primary care physicians, mental health or substance use facilities, human service agencies, hospitals, schools even through clergyman.
- Individuals, family members, and friends are able to call into the Mobile Crisis Assessment Team. They will speak to a masters level crisis counselor who then makes a referral to a peer advocate.
Peer Advocates will work with any member of the community to provide immediate assistance by offering support and helping them through their crisis.
For MCAT Peer Advocacy Services – CALL
(315) 272-2701
For Crisis Services – CALL:
(315) 732-6228 or (844) 732-6228
24-Hours a Day, 7-Days a Week
To learn more about our MCAT services, click here
By Richard Westin, Peer Advocate, MCAT
References: Wu, I. H. C., Bathje, G. J., Kalibatseva, Z., Sung, D., Leong, F. T. L., & Collins-Eaglin, J. (2017). Stigma, mental health, and counseling service use: A person-centered approach to mental health stigma profiles. Psychological Services, 14(4), 490–501.