Neighborhood Center Accepting Students for Pre-K Program
The Neighborhood Center, Inc, is currently accepting students for their Universal Pre-Kindergarten program. The Center partners with the Utica City School District to offer morning and afternoon UPK programs to 4-year-olds living within the district. Child Care services are available on-site before and after UPK hours (scholarship rate and DSS subsidies are accepted). Applications will… Continue Reading →

Bites, Brews and Tunes to Benefit Neighborhood Center, Inc.
Bites, Brews and Tunes, a special fun-filled event to benefit The Neighborhood Center, Inc., takes place 2 to 7 p.m. Sunday, August 12 at Mohawk Valley Community College Utica campus. “Bites” from food vendors include Holy Smoques Barbecue, Mangia Macrina Wood-Fired Pizza, El Jefe Tacos, Come Fry With Me, Polish Roadhouse, The Gyro Cart, The… Continue Reading →

Open Access: New Drug Addiction Help Program
July 18, 2018 – Here at The Neighborhood Center, Inc. we are expanding our services. Learn more about the Open Access program in Sandy’s recent interview with Eyewitness News HERE.

The Neighborhood Center Receives Refugee Grant
July 2, 2018 – Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. announced Monday, that through collaborative efforts facilitated by the county, $538,893 has been awarded by the Central New York Care Collaborative to improve the healthcare of the local refugee population. The funding will be awarded to the Neighborhood Center, Inc., as the lead agency, along… Continue Reading →

New Neighborhood Center Facilities to be Dedicated
The Neighborhood Center, Inc. will celebrate the completion of Phase Four of a multiphase project of the Dr. Marie A. Russo Neighborhood Center Campus with a ribbon cutting and ice cream social noon, Wednesday, June 27 at its facilities at 16 Mary Street. The new play space will include a new and improved basketball… Continue Reading →

MCAT Program Director Amy Borrows’ Interview with the Observer-Dispatch
May 29, 2018 – Our very own Amy Barrows, program director of MCAT was interviewed by the Observer-Dispatch earlier this week in the article ‘Teenagers confront teen suicide their way’. Read how Vernon-Verona-Sherrill High School (VVS) students initiated this interview HERE.

7th Annual Relay for Life Kids Walk Held in Utica
Apr. 25, 2018 Check out the full video HERE. UTICA – It was a rainy day for the 7th annual Relay For Life Kids Walk on Wednesday morning. The walk began and ended at the Neighborhood Center in Utica. It’s put on each year by Team Rays of Hope, which was formed six years ago… Continue Reading →

Neighborhood Center Receives $1.5 Million Grant
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Neighborhood Center Receives $1.5 Million Grant UTICA, NY…The Neighborhood Center, Inc. has been awarded a New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) Targeted Regional Permanency Resource Center grant for $1.5 million to be used over a five-year period. The SOHO (Schoharie, Otsego, Herkimer, Oneida) Regional Permanency Resource Center (PRC)… Continue Reading →

Neighborhood Center Looking for Circles Allies
UTICA ,NY…Make a difference in someone's life and the life of the community by volunteering to be an Ally for The Neighborhood Center's Circles program. Circles helps motivated, low income individuals and families reach greater economic stability by helping them identify their own resources and goals, learn how to take social action in their… Continue Reading →

Kinney Drugs Gives Back!
Each year, Kinney Drugs holds a Management Conference in which 160+ Kinney vendors participate. The left over merchandise is then donated to a local not-for-profit. This year’s event was held on March 29, 2017 at the Turning Stone Event Center and The Neighborhood Center was the lucky recipient of the goods for the second year… Continue Reading →

Pregnant to Parent
Free seminar for moms-to-be and new parents! Monday, March 27th from 5:00-6:00pm at the Frank J. Basloe Library, Herkimer. Space is limited! Please call The Neighborhood Center today at (315) 801-5011 or (315) 801-5014 to RSVP!