Free Universal Pre-K Program Available for City of Utica and Waterville Central School District Children for the 2023-24 School Year
The Neighborhood Center is partnering with the Utica City and Waterville Central School Districts to offer free enrollment for Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) for the 2023-2024 school year. Children must be four years old by December 1st and live within the districts. In the Utica City School District: UPK morning or afternoon classes are offered September… Continue Reading →

The Neighborhood Center’s Behavioral Health Clinic Receives Federal SAMHSA Award
Utica, NY— The Neighborhood Center, Inc., was awarded a federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant to implement a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC). A CCBHC is a system change in the delivery of behavioral health services, transitioning to a comprehensive model of care, allowing clients to receive all mental health,… Continue Reading →

The Neighborhood Center Unveils New Logo and Website
The Neighborhood Center, Inc. announces the launch of their new logo and website as part of their rebranding efforts. The Neighborhood Center has grown and flourished over the years and felt it was time for a positive change. The Neighborhood Center has updated their logo to reflect who they are today and to symbolize their… Continue Reading →

Gala Di Mistero Masquerade Ball to Benefit The Neighborhood Center
UTICA, NY… The Neighborhood Center is hosting their Gala Di Mistero again this summer! Guests can enjoy a mysterious and intriguing evening in person, a masquerade ball if you will…be amazed as you see The Delta by Marriot, Utica, transformed to a place like no other for The Neighborhood Center’s 6th Annual “Gala Di Mistero,”… Continue Reading →

The Neighborhood Center’s Mobile Crisis Assessment Team Receives National SAMHSA Award
Utica, NY— The Neighborhood Center, Inc.’s Mobile Crisis Assessment Team (MCAT) has been awarded one of twelve national Cooperative Agreements for Innovative Community Crisis Response Partnerships grants by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The highly competitive grant will fund an expansion to the existing MCAT which provides 24/7 mobile crisis response… Continue Reading →

Free Universal Pre-K Program Available for City of Utica and Waterville Central School District Children for the 2023-24 School Year
The Neighborhood Center is partnering with the Utica City and Waterville Central School Districts to offer free enrollment for Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) for the 2023-2024 school year. Children must be four years old by December 1st and live within the districts. In the Utica City School District: UPK morning or afternoon classes are offered September… Continue Reading →

Utica – The Marie A. Russo Neighborhood Center Institute announces the 20th Annual Auction & Dinner in support of projects of The Neighborhood Center, Inc. will be held on Friday, November 18th, 2022, at Harts Hill Inn. The event, which runs from 6-9pm is action-packed with both silent and live auctions. Over 300 generous people… Continue Reading →

Gala Di Mistero Masquerade Ball to Benefit The Neighborhood Center
UTICA, NY… The Neighborhood Center is hosting their infamous Gala Di Mistero in person again this summer! After hosting their Gala virtually last year in light of COVID, this year, guests can enjoy a mysterious and intriguing evening in person, a masquerade ball if you will…be amazed as you see Teugega Country Club transformed to… Continue Reading →

Spring Craft Fair planned at North Utica Community Center Saturday, April 9
UTICA, NY – The North Utica Community Center is hosting a Spring Craft Fair from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Saturday, April 9, 2022. The Center is hoping this will become a bi-annual event planned for the Spring and the Fall. The Craft Fair is free, open to the public and benefits the programs… Continue Reading →

Neighborhood Center Helping to Promote National CACFP Week
National CACFP Week is March 13-19, 2022. The primary goal of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is to serve nutritious meals to children attending childcare homes and centers. Secondary goals are: 1. The establishment of positive eating habits at the earliest stages of development. 2. Reduction of future health care and education… Continue Reading →

North Utica Community Center hosting Free, Open to Public & Life-saving Event
UTICA, NY – Join the North Utica Community Center and Oneida County Sheriff Rob Maciol for a Seminar on Yellow Dot and Project Lifesaver Programs on Thursday, February 17th at 11:00am Yellow Dot is a free program designed to help first responders provide life-saving medical attention during that first “golden hour” after a crash or… Continue Reading →

North Utica Community Center to Hold Chicken BBQ – September 24, 2021
Please join us for the North Utica Community Center Chicken BBQ on September 24th, 4pm until sold out. Each meal contains a half chicken, salt potatoes, coleslaw & a roll. Please Note: This event is drive-up & take-out only.