How do I become a Member at ARS?
To become a member at Adult Recovery Services (ARS) you need to be an adult 18 years or older and have an Axis 1 Mental Health Diagnosis. At ARS we do not require a referral, and our intake hours are Monday – Friday 8:30am – 3:30pm.

How can I get a calendar?
Stop in to either location or check out The Neighborhood Center Website to look at a virtual calendar that you can save into your own events!

Do I have to be a member to utilize ACE and Employment Services?
You do have to be a member of ARS in order to be in our Assisted Competitive Employment Program but you do not have to be a member to utilize Employment services!

How do I start Employment Services?
Stop in and fill out a referral form with the employment services staff located at ARS. Hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 to 4:30PM.

How much does it cost to be a member?
Nothing. ARS is a completely free service to those who need it.

Do I have to do therapy if I am only looking for medication?
Yes you have to be actively engaged in therapy in order to see a provider, as we are an Article 31 Clinic and we can not do medication only.

Do I need to attend every appointment with my child?
The first 3 appointments for the in-take process, yes, you need to attend those appointments, it is a very crucial time in your child’s care with The Neighborhood Center and their therapist. Future appointments can be discussed with your child’s therapist as to how often they would like to see with your child.

How soon after I start therapy will I see a medical provider?
Seeing a medical provider once we receive your medical information from your PCP, and other Dr.’s you may see, ultimately depends on how engaged you are in therapy and working with your therapists. Therapy and medication management work great together, clients who are actively engaged in therapy and attending appointments with the medical provider do… Continue Reading →

Will you fill out Public Assistance paperwork at my in-take?
We can not fill out any Public Assistance paperwork until you are opened to the clinic and actively engaged in therapy. Your therapist can not make the decision of whether or not you are employable after just one or two visits.

Do I need to bring my insurance card to every visit?
Yes, it is important for our support staff to see and verify your insurance cards are the same at every visit, to ensure we are billing correctly.

Do I need to bring custody/guardianship paperwork to the in-take for a child?
Yes please make sure to bring any custody paperwork, guardianship paperwork with you to the initial in-take, or if at anytime custody has changed during the course of the child’s treatment.