The Neighborhood Center Promotes Jennifer Benn to Director of Development and Public Relations
Utica, NY—The Neighborhood Center, Inc. has promoted Jennifer Benn to serve as the Director of Development and Public Relations. Benn graduated from Utica College in 2008 summa cum laude with a degree in English and Elementary Education and was hired as a daycare registrar at The Neighborhood Center shortly after graduation. She was promoted to… Continue Reading →

Utica, NY – The Neighborhood Center, Inc. and Accelerate Sports are partnering together to keep children and families warm this winter with a coat drive. The Drive will help local families by providing new or gently used winter coats. The apparel can be dropped off at Accelerate Sports 5241 Judd Rd, Whitesboro, NY. Now through… Continue Reading →

The Neighborhood Center Chosen as a Recipient of Hat and Mitten Drive
Utica, NY—The Neighborhood Center has graciously been chosen as a recipient of Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon’s 4th Annual Hat and Mitten Drive in collaboration with the Utica Comets and Utica City FC Football Club. There will be donation bins at the Adirondack Bank Center during events to drop off your new hats, mittens, and scarves for… Continue Reading →

North Utica Community Center to Host a Monster Mash Halloween
Utica, NY – The North Utica Community Center, located at 50 Riverside Dr. in Utica, will be hosting a safe and fun way to spend Halloween on October 31st with a Monster Mash Dance-off, Costume Contest, DJ and plenty of food and fun. The Monster Mash Halloween will kick off at 5:00 p.m. Halloween Night…. Continue Reading →

Sandra Soroka honored at Women’s Power of the Purse Event
Utica, NY — Sandra Soroka, Executive Director of the Neighborhood Center was honored as one of five area leaders recognized for their hard work and dedication to the Mohawk Valley Communities at the Women’s Power of the Purse through The Women’s Fund of Herkimer and Oneida Counties, Inc. Sandra is an astounding leader and has… Continue Reading →

Preswick Glen Donates Funds to The Neighborhood Center Inc.
Utica, NY – The Resident Council’s Charitable Giving Committee has gotten together to choose the recipient of our annual charity fund drive. With the participation from over 70% of residents at Preswick Glen, the Charitable Giving Committee was able to donate $8,100 to the Neighborhood Center. “We are honored to be this year’s recipient of… Continue Reading →

The 21st Annual Auction & Dinner Event To Raise Funds For The Neighborhood Center, Inc.
Utica, NY – The Marie A. Russo Neighborhood Center Institute announces the 21st Annual Auction & Dinner in support of programs of The Neighborhood Center, Inc., to be held on Friday, November 17th, 2023, at Harts Hill Inn. The event, which runs from 6-9pm, is action-packed with both silent and live auctions. Over 300 generous… Continue Reading →

Free Universal Pre-K Program Available for City of Utica and Waterville Central School District Children for the 2023-24 School Year
The Neighborhood Center is partnering with the Utica City and Waterville Central School Districts to offer free enrollment for Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) for the 2023-2024 school year. Children must be four years old by December 1st and live within the districts. In the Utica City School District: UPK morning or afternoon classes are offered September… Continue Reading →

The Neighborhood Center’s Behavioral Health Clinic Receives Federal SAMHSA Award
Utica, NY— The Neighborhood Center, Inc., was awarded a federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant to implement a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC). A CCBHC is a system change in the delivery of behavioral health services, transitioning to a comprehensive model of care, allowing clients to receive all mental health,… Continue Reading →

Gala Di Mistero Masquerade Ball to Benefit The Neighborhood Center
UTICA, NY… The Neighborhood Center is hosting their Gala Di Mistero again this summer! Guests can enjoy a mysterious and intriguing evening in person, a masquerade ball if you will…be amazed as you see The Delta by Marriot, Utica, transformed to a place like no other for The Neighborhood Center’s 6th Annual “Gala Di Mistero,”… Continue Reading →